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Scythes, pères de l'Eurasie ?

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Scythes, pères de l'Eurasie ? Empty Scythes, pères de l'Eurasie ?

Message par  Jeu 15 Nov 2012 - 19:08

Un article intéressant qui avance l'idée que ce seraient les Scythes qui furent le premier peuple européen à se "mélanger" avec des populations asiatiques, et ce dans les montagnes de L'Oural à l'àge de fer.

Bronze Age remains, from around the 7th to the 10th century BC, evidenced no genetic blending of lineage. There were European remains from the western side of the mountain range, and remains from the eastern side were clearly Asian. In the Iron Age however, from the 7th to 2nd century BC with the introduction of the Scythian culture, the remains showed a clear 50/50 genetic blend between Europe and Asia.

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